China site .jpg)
Founded in 2004, our joint venture ended in 2012, with the opening of our own production facility in Qingdao, Shandong province. This step enabled us to successfully expand our existing market presence. At our plant in China, we mainly manufacture medical technology products for the growing local and regional markets. In keeping with the Romay quality strategy, we consistently ensure that Romay products from Switzerland and China demonstrate a continuously high level of quality.
Contact ROMAY (Qingdao) Co. Ltd No.2 XinghaiZhi Road Huanhai Economical & Technical Developing Zone, Chengyang Qingdao, P.R. China 2661078 Tel +86 532 6685 1983
switzerland site 
The production and administrative site was built in 1969, in Oberkulm in the Canton of Aargau, as the company headquarters of Romay. We supply customers in Europe and the markets worldwide from Switzerland. We have a workforce of 250 who work continuously for us, manufacturing products using SMC presses, PUR foam machines, GFRP moulding tools and CNC production techniques and carrying out assembly. Contact ROMAY AG Kunststoff-/Sanitärtechnik Gontenschwilerstr. 5 CH-5727 Oberkulm Tel +41 (0)62 768 22 22 Fax +41 (0)62 776 28 80 